The Client:

UK Affiliate, of a global pharmaceutical organisation

The Challenge:

The client was faced with updating and re-invigorating the strategic planning associated with a portfolio of vaccines. New methodologies were being instigated by the global leadership team and the client requested support to embed the new processes and support the team leadership to get the most out of the planning.

The Process:

Current and new planning processes were ‘interrogated’ to ensure clarity over the underlying needs of the plan.

The key staff were trained in the key elements of the planning processes that had new and less clear definitions

Agenda’s and workshops were created to support the team

The Response:

“The descriptions around SIs and CSFs that you provided were really helpful in providing clarity to the group on what we mean by these terms. We defined some really good examples from the workshops that were significantly different from what was in the original plan”

Key Outputs:

“The effort vs impact exercise went well and we were able to visually separate out all of the proposed tactics and assign an owner, a relative cost, and a deadline for each
Thank You!”